Tuscan Pork Belly
Prep time
10 minutes
Product Label Ingredients: Pork, Chicken Stock (you must include all the ingredients from the label), Olive Oil, Garlic, Pepper, Salt, Fennel, Paprika.
- See all allergen disclaimers in general information tab.
•Mixing bowl
•250g pork belly, cut into a neat square, skin scored
•Olive oil
•10g pepper
•5g salt
•5g fennel seeds
•10g crushed garlic
•2g paprika
•500ml chicken stock
1.Rub the underside (non skin side) with olive oil.
2.Mix the seasoning and herbs together, spread on the flat surface and press onto the oiled pork.
General Information
Customer cooking instructions:
- Preheat oven at 200°C.
- Sit the pork belly herb side down into a deep baking tray.
- Add 1 cup chicken stock, ensuring it comes approximately ½ way up the side of the pork.
- Rub skin with a little olive oil and season with salt.
- Cook for 25 minutes in preheated oven, then reduce temperature to 150°C and continue to cook for 60 minutes.
Tuscan Pork Belly ingredients
Pork, Chicken Stock (you must include all the ingredients from the label), Olive Oil, Garlic, Pepper, Salt, Fennel, Paprika.
Ingredients Listing – Disclaimers
All Pork Butchers value added products legally must be sold with an ingredient listing on the label or the ingredient list must be easily provided when requested. We have provided the ingredients list above that must be customised according to the ingredients you source for the recipe.
* Note this ingredients listing will not be accurate until, the ingredients used by the butcher is included and Australian Pork is not responsible for the accuracy of the customised ingredients listing.